Archive for invoactions

28 Day Working, Day 26

Posted in Rituals and Workings with tags , , , on 04/20/2017 by Keona-Mlh

Inovcation to Eurynomous, Goetia and Tarot. I actually have one more ritual to do and it is in 2 days.

I have come a long way from this year. I mean I have gotten an amazing amount of work done, I am in contact with people from my past that has greatly gave me more motivation for my workings.  I am restructuring classes, myself and school so it can all be rolled into one.

I have a few trips that I will be making this year. Now only if I don’t get frustrated and stop thinking bad thoughts about why it happened, or complaining that it wasn’t meant to be and just realize that people are lazy and dicks, then I will be much better. You bee surprised how down I get when I have things planned and they don’t go through. I really beat myself up, but I am hoping and slowly working towards doing that. You can’t rush progress, you never know how fast things will heal, and trying to put a limit on complete rehabilitation of mental issues and emotional problems; just doesn’t cut it.

I will also have to cut all my nails soon. The thing I hate about my Medical program is that you  cannot have nails, or “exotic makeup” or look like a chick lol. But hey whatever you can’t win them all.

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