Archive for daily practices

Current Occult Practices

Posted in Important Posts with tags , on 01/18/2018 by Keona-Mlh

This year I have a lot of workings that need to be done. Last year I did a meditation that unleashed a lot of work that still needs to be done so I made a diagram of it. I am not going to show you it because it has other personal info up there, but I will give you a rundown of my workings.


January, I am just prepping for the rest of the year and getting my affairs in order. So, what I am doing is an 11-day working with the Temple of Ascending Flame. I am also doing a tarot challenge with my tarot group as well.

February, I will be doing psychic and blood workings with my boyfriend, in addition to working on another 30-day challenge

March brings me to shadow working with Hecate

April is blood workings and tantric workings with Lilith.

July, I will be working more in-depth with the 9 divinities (Daemonaltry)

August my Necromantic workings will become heavier

September, I start a couple of Priesthood trainings.

October and November are more of Lilith workings.

I have a shit more of things I am doing within each month like mini workings, 3-7-day workings, tons of celebrations and classes that I need to schedule for my students. I keep myself busy, and I am always doing something constructive. I live my craft, it isn’t a weekend thing to me. It is built into everything that I do, and it may be exhausting work, but it is so worth it when your work manifests and pays off.

#domagick Day 3

Posted in Rituals and Workings with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 12/03/2017 by Keona-Mlh

This meditation was done with Bael. I set an orange and apple on my altar, poured the House wine, added my salt and herbs and blood to the House chalice. Lit my candle, dragons blood and sandalwood incenses’. I dropped a few drops of blood on Bael’s page, my Death Figurine, Hecate’s key, Sekhmet and Leviathan picture, my talisman and on my guardians tablet.

I wanted to add some meditational music so I decided to loop meditation from Ott Sumerian, his Meditation Beezlebub as I see Bael as a different side of him. This mediation was intense, as mine with him normally are. I was into 2 different era’s and received 2 different keys to further me on another path that I have yet to write about.

I had an abundance of visions, but more importantly I felt more than I ever have. I’m good with all my senses except feel. It’s not as strong as my sight and smell. But this time, I felt everything more intensely. I felt wheels within me turn, I felt colors, I felt the drums I felt myself.

The newness of this meditation helped me figure out which chakras need to be cleaned and given more love. My Muldahara, Vishuddha, lower Anahata, Anja, and Sahasrara is fine. It’s my Svadisthana and Manipura that are not turning as fast this time. So I’ll work on those.

Next was my daily pull from my Oracle deck. I was drawn to draw three cards. Message in a Bottle, Unfinished Symphony, Treasure Island.
Message in a Bottle is telling me that the Universe and a divine has heard me, and the reply has been granted and will be coming to me in favorable ways on all fronts from relationships to career.
Unfinished Symphony is telling me to start closures on things that should have already ended. To clear out that old baggage,  finally put it to rest so I can move forward with the things I have started and need to continue.
Treasure Island is telling me I hit the nail on finding my hidden potential. I need to keep my eyes open and make sure that everything will be found. Some are obvious, others need a little more digging. Relationship wise my partner and I will continue discovering new things about one another and even though I may not see it, I will be taught valuable lessons and be brought great gifts.

I easily spent an hour in this meditation and it had refreshed me. It even had me shed a tear or two. Being a Water sign I get so emotional at times I just laugh at myself. But if anything, this meditation with Bael taught me, and my pulls, to trust my intuition,  open my heart and pay attention. I have worked so hard to get where I am, and it’s only getting better from here. There are always bumps in the road, but take them slow and keep going.

Tarot Challenge Day 6

Posted in Rituals and Workings with tags , , , , , , , , , on 10/06/2017 by Keona-Mlh

What I need to let go of?
Prudence, 8 of disks. This has to be how I am in the lab and in situations where I have no control and just have to do what I consider subpar work. Though I’m told all the times it isn’t I do act this way and it is a flat of mine. But I strive for perfection so I have to try to do what needs to be done the way others want it and save the perfectionist for my own personal research and development .

Why did need to let it go?

Prince of Wands. My hit temper and determination to get things done in the way I see is off putting. I will have others feel like I know more than them when I dobt, I just have a mind for organization and productivity that automatically starts calculations and moving things around . I see the possibilities and I just go in an excuse them. Again it will be difficult to dial it down, but it will be held onto unless I am expressed asked, or when I have my own lab and area, and my own production .

How long did I hang on to this?

13, The Devil. For freaking ever lmao! It’s in my DNA and I will let go of the rigns, but the devil in me continues to play the advocate when people need to step their shit up.

May’s Workings

Posted in Rituals and Workings with tags , , , , , , , on 04/30/2017 by Keona-Mlh

So I broke down my 245 day working into months. It works easier as school is taking up so much of my time that I know I will be switching up and changing things. Seeing what fits and seeing what doesn’t. So here is a tentative breakdown:

Sundays: Daemonaltry/Goetia

Mondays: CC

Tuesdays: Draconian/Serpentine

Wednesdays: Elemental/Divination/Chakra Workings

Thursdays: Psychic Workings

Fridays: Ifa/Vodoun/ATR

Saturdays: Free day

Pretty hectic, but hey I know what I am doing for those days so it isn’t as much as you may think. I still do my daily prayers and visualizations. I have a Coven ritual to do, actually 2 of them. There is a full and new moon ritual, and 4 rituals to my Matron, Patron, the All, and my Guardians. I have roughly 15 days of meditations to do. That’s about it lol.

30 days. Lets see how this goes.



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